
William Moseley (English) : ANYONE ON???

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Fil de la discussion "ANYONE ON???"
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  • Messages : 2 127
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I'm here , I have been all day!! Don't leave!!!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 2 127
  • Statut : Experte
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Oh yay, someones on!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 2 127
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Did you just get on now? I've been herefor a ver very very very very very long time

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
im on too! so wanna do the story bords? we're pregnant in one, and making out on a balcony in another...the other ones i dont know, i havent been doing those.... but we can if someone wants too!!!!

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 2 127
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no ones written on the"story game" one for a long time.

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 2 127
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wait, i'll do the balcony one i just finished readig it

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ok, we'll do that one...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 2 127
  • Statut : Experte
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wait, whats the topic called, i can't find it anymore

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
im ba-ack! one, i think... try that one...that one has the ripped pants on the balcony... another story board has us pregnant...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 2 127
  • Statut : Experte
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k , thanx,

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeppers, go ahead, im waiting...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 2 127
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just did, ur turn!!!!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
now ur turn!!!!!

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 803
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
im reading the stories and loving them..continue them
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thank you... and i will...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 803
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
  • Messages : 2 127
  • Statut : Experte
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So sorry my sister was in the room and I'm not supposed to be here, but anyway I just posted so u'r turn
Narnia freak are u still there?

Edité par William_is_Hot le 25/01/2006 à 04:31

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 2 127
  • Statut : Experte
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I'm 14 and i've never kissed a guy before, so all these making out stories are making me a lot!!! And I'm also really shy!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 803
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey dont feel bad i have never kissed a guy too! and im 15!!!!
but well..someday we will

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